If They Can’t Rank Their Own Business Above Us,
How Can They Rank Yours?
My name is Joel House and I’m the founder & Director here at Joel House SEO.
We’re very different to other agencies.
Unlike other big agencies where your crucial SEO tasks get passed off to some 19yr old uni-intern, who hardly
knows how businesses work, I’ll be personally working with you to grow your google traffic.
You’ll be getting my 9 years of digital marketing experience personally focussed on getting your business to the
top of Google so you can enjoy growth of up to 295% year on year like my other clients.
Your business is important to you. You’ve poured years of your life, blood sweat and tears into building it, so I find
it offensive that other companies think that is only worth the attention of a junior or intern. I’ve worked in big
agencies & I saw the level of care that they had for clients like you, which is why I left – because you deserve more.
And if this isn’t enough – Ask yourself – How did you find me? Chances are you searched for ‘SEO Toowoomba’. This
is by far one of the most difficult keywords to rank for as every SEO in the region is fighting tooth and nail for it.
It’s proof that whoever ranks at the top is the best in the industry.
Now if you have searched in Townsville, Cairns, Ipswich, Sunshine Coast, Bundaberg or the Gold Coast, then you’ll
have found me at the top of the page, leading the pack. Yes – I’ve beaten every other agency at their own game, in their
own back yard. I’ve beaten the juniors and interns that they put on your work on clients like you, and I’ve even
beaten their managers who oversee their ‘internal SEO’.

So just imagine how your sales will grow if you let me loose on your site? How would your life be if you had 2, 3, or 4 times more leads coming through each and every week? Needless to say – it will improve every area of your life dramatically.
I must warn you though – I can’t take everyone.
Because my clients get my personal attention to rapidly grow their traffic and revenue, I can only work with a select handful of clients. I can only work with one client in each industry in each region. I can only take on 3 new clients a month. And I can only work with established businesses who have a desire to grow and who know that SEO is for them.
Since I rank in nearly every major city in Queensland, I get a lot of business owners to my website every day, so this isn’t some false urgency, but my client list fills fast.
To get started today and to apply for a spot on my client roster, simply fill out the Discovery Form at the link below.
To Your Success,
Joel House
Founder & SEO Expert